
Summary of services:

  • Live stream captioning over Zoom, YouTube Live etc

  • Onsite live event captioning to a big screen for conferences, lectures, debates …

  • Speech-to-text (also known as CART) services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing

  • Tablet tours providing accessibility to exhibitions and talks

  • Live TV subtitling

  • Realtime reporting and fast turnaround transcription of webcasts, company reporting, legal proceedings etc


Live Stream Captioning

Realtime captions can be integrated into Zoom events so that individual attendees can toggle closed captions on and off.  Open captions can be displayed over MS Teams, YouTube Live, Facebook Live and other online video platforms.

Onsite live event captioning

Live captions are displayed on a big screen at large events such as conferences, lectures and debates, offering inclusion and accessibility.

Speech-to-text (STT)

This is a more personal service, often providing individual support to deaf and hard of hearing people in the workplace, college classes, training courses, medical appointments and other meetings or events, enabling full access and participation. Live closed captions can be displayed during a Zoom call or text can be viewed on a laptop or any mobile device while the audio could be delivered via Skype, conference call etc.

Tablet tours

Remote live subtitles are transmitted to multiple tablets and mobile devices during guided tours and exhibitions, providing communications access to visitors on the move.  Please visit Stagetext for more details.

Realtime and fast turnaround transcription

When speed is of the essence and fast, accurate transcription is required of webcasts, podcasts, interviews, debates, conference calls, meetings, legal proceedings, company reporting etc.

Live TV subtitling

I deliver broadcast subtitles for a range of live programmes over many different channels, currently specialising in sports coverage and current affairs.